Copyright © 2020- Philippine Green Building Council

2025-Q2, 1 April 2025

Green Building Procurement Hub

Procure products, services, and building spaces you need for your green building projects through the Green Building Procurement Hub.

The GreenBuilding/PH provides you with a listing of current products, services, and building spaces with green credentials. Easily search through the pages to find the product or service you need for your project, or to find the green building space you need for your company.

About the GreenBuilding/PH

The Green Building Procurement Hub (GreenBuilding/PH) is an online platform to support green building proponents in procuring products, materials, technologies, and services for green building projects. The GreenBuilding/PH aims to connect project proponents with like-minded partners in the industry to support green building projects’ design, construction, and operations. In addition, the GreenBuilding/PH includes green buildings to help proponents on leasing a more sustainable space for personal or business use.

Who should use the GreenBuilding/PH?

The GreenBuilding/PH is developed for project owners, developers, architects, engineers, designers, and project proponents of green building projects in the Philippines.

How do I use the GreenBuilding/PH?

You can navigate through the GreenBuilding/PH using the Navigation Panel at the left of this website.

A Search Box is located above the Navigation Panel that allows you to swiftly search through the whole database using key words for the product, service, or building space you need for your project. You can search for the brand names, product names, service provider names, product or service types, or simple key words related to your needs.

How can I have my product, service, or building listed?

For PHILGBC Members

  1. Download and accomplish the:
  2. Save the accomplished form in PDF format.
  3. Prepare supporting documentation reflecting the green product, service, or building credential.
  4. Submit the accomplished form and other supporting documents per batch of entries depending on the availed plan-package.
  5. Submit through email to the GreenBuilding/PH Program Secretariat at

A corporate member is provided with only one (1) batch of ten (10) free entries for publication per year. You may avail of the additional plan-package if you want to list more than 10 entries.

Submissions will be received and registered by the GreenBuilding/PH Program Secretariat for review and posting to the GreenBuilding/PH.

For Non-members

  1. Download and accomplish the:
  2. Save the accomplished form in PDF format.
  3. Prepare supporting documentation reflecting the green product, service, or building credential.
  4. Submit the accomplished form and other supporting documents per batch of entries depending on the availed plan-package.
  5. Submit through email to the GreenBuilding/PH Program Secretariat at
  6. Pay the listing fee.

Payments and submissions will be received and registered by the GreenBuilding/PH Program Secretariat for review and posting to the GreenBuilding/PH.

How can I provide comments?

We welcome your comments and insight to improve the GreenBuilding/PH. Provide your comments via e-mail by following the commenting procedure:

  1. Provide your full name, position or designation, and the organization you are representing;
  2. Clearly state your issue on the specific section or entry:
    • State the specific section or entry you would like to improve;
    • Provide a clear statement summarizing your issue; and
    • Provide a brief discussion on the issue;
  3. Clearly state your recommendation to improve the section or credit;
    • Provide the draft text for the revision of the section or credit;
    • Use plain language principles; and
    • Provide a brief discussion on the recommendation;
  4. Write in the Subject line COMMENT: Green Building PH;
  5. Submit your issue and recommendation to

Your comments will be received and logged by the GreenBuilding/PH Program Secretariat to review and improve GreenBuilding/PH.


Find the products, materials, and technologies that you need for your green building projects.

The products listed in the database range from the structural materials to architectural finishes. Search through the database to find out about what are the features and performance of the products available in the market.

Go to the Products page


Connect with the experts and professionals in the green building industry.

Search through the database to find out about the expertise available in the green building industry to assist you in the design, construction, and operation of your green building project.

Go to the Services page


Find green spaces for lease for you and your business.

The buildings listed in the database range from the residential to commercial buildings. Search through the database to find out about what are the features and performance of the green buildings available for lease in the market.

Go to the Buildings page


The Green Building Procurement Hub (alternately the “GreenBuilding/PH”) is a service provided for the members of the Philippine Green Building Council (PHILGBC). It was also designed to orient the public on the available products, services and technologies that may be of use, on any building project.

Despite such service, the PHILGBC does not, in any way, attest to the functionality or reliability of the products listed in the GreenBuilding/PH. All entries are merely compiled information from the product owner or service provider, or sourced out from publicly available information from their official websites. While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the product entry, PHILGBC shall not be responsible for any errors or omissions that may occur. Hence, all product, service or building information does not imply an endorsement by the PHILGBC. The fact of non-endorsement extends to all information found in all outbound website links in the GreenBuilding/PH.

The GreenBuilding/PH should, also, not serve as a substitute for the services offered by licensed building professionals. In this regard, professional advice should be sought prior, during, and after the undertaking of a project to ensure its strength, functionality, design aesthetics, and its compliance to related national and local laws, regulations, and mandatory standards.

GreenBuilding/PH does not warrant the purposefulness and merchantability of any listed product or service.

For more information please contact the product owner or the service provider, on any concerns that you may have, on the particulars covered by their recommended product or service. Reference may be made on the GreenBuilding/PH listing on any details, that, you may require.

Contact Us

Contact Ms. Rowena Elayda
Program Manager
GreenBuilding/PH Program Secretariat
Phone +63 2 8815 9301
Fax +63 2 8858 8082
Address Unit G-4B, One/NEO
26th Street corner 3rd Avenue, Bonifacio Global City
Taguig City 1634 Metro Manila